Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Work Personality

What motivates you at work? What are your best work qualities? Are you creative, ambitious, autonomous, or independent?

Thanks to a recent questionnaire I stumbled upon in my Facebook feed I was able to learn what drives me at work and what my best work features are. Why is this beneficial? It provides suggestions on how to become more successful in your work personality to drive success at work.

Take a look at this screenshot:

I answered probably 100 questions just to get this graph... it took me approximately 25 minutes just to get through the questionnaire. From this graph I can see that I do not have a problem dealing with the public, actually I really enjoy it. (From the mouth of my boss- "Yeah, we knew that!") I also am pretty good at leading and taking responsibility for actions. I show great self confidence in my work and am able to work independently. I handle stress well and am determined to get my jobs done.

I also learn and have known that I lack a creative and competitive spirit and don't handle micromanagement well. Years of working in a call center will do that to you!

What motivates me at work? MONEY!!!! Check this out:

Based on my answers I can tell that pay, job security, time off and a need for working with others drives my work motivation. I can tell you that based on how I feel about my job... this is right on! This also tells me that I don't need a ton of different work to keep me motivated; I can do one job and put all my focus into that. Which if anyone really knows me knows that when I'm doing something I focus just about 100% of my mental resource in getting the job done which is probably why I'm so confident in my work as seen from the first image.

What does this all mean??? Well it means I'm a good worker:

I'm very straightforward with how I feel about my work. I take initiative in getting the job done. I am super flexible and am typically composed in all aspects of my work. This is me 100%

What can I work on and what am I good at?

I am able to work with just about anyone and am not shy to start a conversation. I contribute this to my own introverted persona... It's not that I'm not shy; I just hate silence especially when it's an awkward silence!

I can work on showing respect for authority- I think this came up because I see everyone on a level playing field. I feel that management should feel the same way. And yes... I can be more competitive and for that reason I will start drag racing! jk I will work on comparing myself to my peers and management so that I can gain a competitive edge in moving upwards towards more $$$.

Want to learn more about your work personality take the questionnaire!

Tell me how you feel about your work personality in the comments below! Share this tool with your friends, boss, and family!

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