Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Work Personality

What motivates you at work? What are your best work qualities? Are you creative, ambitious, autonomous, or independent?

Thanks to a recent questionnaire I stumbled upon in my Facebook feed I was able to learn what drives me at work and what my best work features are. Why is this beneficial? It provides suggestions on how to become more successful in your work personality to drive success at work.

Take a look at this screenshot:

I answered probably 100 questions just to get this graph... it took me approximately 25 minutes just to get through the questionnaire. From this graph I can see that I do not have a problem dealing with the public, actually I really enjoy it. (From the mouth of my boss- "Yeah, we knew that!") I also am pretty good at leading and taking responsibility for actions. I show great self confidence in my work and am able to work independently. I handle stress well and am determined to get my jobs done.

I also learn and have known that I lack a creative and competitive spirit and don't handle micromanagement well. Years of working in a call center will do that to you!

What motivates me at work? MONEY!!!! Check this out:

Based on my answers I can tell that pay, job security, time off and a need for working with others drives my work motivation. I can tell you that based on how I feel about my job... this is right on! This also tells me that I don't need a ton of different work to keep me motivated; I can do one job and put all my focus into that. Which if anyone really knows me knows that when I'm doing something I focus just about 100% of my mental resource in getting the job done which is probably why I'm so confident in my work as seen from the first image.

What does this all mean??? Well it means I'm a good worker:

I'm very straightforward with how I feel about my work. I take initiative in getting the job done. I am super flexible and am typically composed in all aspects of my work. This is me 100%

What can I work on and what am I good at?

I am able to work with just about anyone and am not shy to start a conversation. I contribute this to my own introverted persona... It's not that I'm not shy; I just hate silence especially when it's an awkward silence!

I can work on showing respect for authority- I think this came up because I see everyone on a level playing field. I feel that management should feel the same way. And yes... I can be more competitive and for that reason I will start drag racing! jk I will work on comparing myself to my peers and management so that I can gain a competitive edge in moving upwards towards more $$$.

Want to learn more about your work personality take the questionnaire!

Tell me how you feel about your work personality in the comments below! Share this tool with your friends, boss, and family!

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Galaxy Gear 2

Today is the day I get to try out my new tech tool... The Galaxy Gear 2

This tool is a pretty cool little device. It has some great features and the potential for the elimination of a cell phone all together. I have only been wearing this device for a few hours at this point and do not consider myself an expert on it at all! The price point for this little guy is $299.99 (ouch) if you live in Idaho you can expect to pay $18 in tax for it. I ordered mine via Verizon Wireless and it was delivered overnight for free. The device is no bigger than the "Boyfriend Watch" my boss makes fun of me for wearing occasionally.

My favorite features so far are:
Heart rate monitor,
Notifications and
Being able to make calls from the device.  

It has many more features and the apps available are limited currently, however I'm sure they will have more later on as this is a semi-new technology.

As for battery life, I have to say I don't know yet at this moment how long one charge will last. I did charge it to 100% overnight as the directions suggested. The screen doesn't stay on the whole time you're wearing the watch. It has a motion sensor that turns on the screen when you raise your arm.

The home screen and background images are all customizable just like a regular Android smartphone along with different settings like display brightness and volume.

The only complaint I have right now is in the band, it is smaller than my regular watch so it is a little snug but not uncomfortable. Most of you little peeps won’t have to worry about that if you choose to purchase this too.

In all I have to say that it is a great buy so far. I am going to test out how far  it will go without my phone present and how accurate it is when I want to find my phone if it gets lost. I will also report later on battery life.

How do you feel about all the new wearable tech coming out? Leave your comments below!

Friday, April 25, 2014

Bucket Lists

The 2014/15 NFL schedule was released this week! For those of you who really know me know that I am a Green Bay Packers fan. GO CHEESE HEADS! lol

I am super excited that they are going to be traveling to Seattle this year and even more excited that it isn't in the dead of winter. haha. They play against the Seahawks on the 4th of September which in Seattle should be a great day for play. I have a whole week left of vacation time at work and am planning on making it to this game.

I have never been to a professional NFL game and have always wanted to go. I do plan on making it to Lambeau Field sometime in my life, just not now. Probably when they decide to make more Packer shares available to the public so then I can truly see MY team play from their home field. This leads me to things that I have always wanted to do before my death. Some people may think that talking about or even discussing death is a bad thing, I don't feel that way at all. Death is something that every living person or thing has to go through. I went the first 26 years of my life without experiencing a traumatic death and in the last two years I have experienced too many. I have a new found respect for death and even more so a greater love for life!

I was told just today that I am a great person for the economy; because when I see something I want... I get it. If I want to go somewhere... I go there! Life will come and go before I know it and I can't just sit around being scared of seeing the world or not spending the money I work so hard for. (I'm not saying to spend every dollar you will earn... everyone should have some type of savings plan in place for when working is no longer an option.) I work hard for my money so that I can enjoy life and damn it if I want to go to Hawaii, Mexico, RIGGINS, Disneyland, Australia or anywhere else for that matter I am going to do it!

That leads me to my bucket list- I would hope that your list looks different than mine by a mile! haha I also may not list everything I want but that is because I'm constantly coming up with new ideas and desires.

1- See a live Packers game
2- Own GB Packers shares
3- Visit Lambeau Field
4- Visit NYC for the NYE ball drop
5- Go to Mexico on an all inclusive
6- Learn to fly
7- Change someone’s life for the better
8- Go to the Super Bowl- Perhaps a GB game, but I'll settle for a friend’s team as long as they take me! lol
9- Run for and win a public office seat- preferably governor

Every man dies. Not every man really lives. ~Braveheart

Fear not that life shall come to an end, but rather fear that it shall never have a beginning. ~John Henry Cardinal Newman

Do you have a bucket list? How do you feel about living for today? Share your comments and thoughts below!

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Riggins Rodeo

Have you ever seen a cooler race?

This video is showing some of the stupid things we do for fun when booze and being out of town mix.

The 66th annual Riggins Rodeo is coming up next week. My friends and I have taken part in this event now for roughly 6 years. It is always a great time filled with drinking and bad decisions. lol

If you've never been to the Riggins Rodeo it is most definitely something you should try at least once before you grow up. Hundreds of people show up on the first weekend of May to start of the rodeo season. If you have never even been to Riggins you must make the 4 hour drive to see some of Idaho’s back country. The road itself is mostly Highway 55 through McCall and if you're native to Idaho you know that the area is just beautiful. You get to see all of the beauty that Idaho has to offer. Green luscious meadows, pine trees so close you can smell them and the most picturesque views in all of North America.

To get the full experience of the rodeo I recommend camping at Shorts Bar this area is next to the Salmon River and an Elk farm. (You know that people try to swim the river IN MAY and ride the Elk.) The area is separate from the actual town of Riggins and you must camp to get the full experience. Hundreds of people show up here for the rodeo and the party. I kid you not... the people show up here for a good time. The rodeo didn't get its nickname "Shit Show" for nothing.

Things common to Shorts Bar:

Loud music
Bon fires
Cowboy hats
Released inhibitions and
Occasional girls dancing toppless depending on weather)

I have experienced all of these things before and I have to say that I have never experienced any problems with persons or witnessed a fight. The police and rangers make their presence known and will follow up on calls of activity that is not acceptable.

Some years the weather doesn’t want to be super cooperative however when it is the time is seriously amazing. Reviewing the 10 day forecast I’d have to say that we are in for a pretty good year this year too.

It is pretty standard to party till dawn and I am so excited to get back up there this year.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Drivers that Grind my Gears!!!

Does this sign mean anything to anyone? 
I am so sick of Idaho drivers. You would think that since I have lived my entire life in Idaho that I would be used to people who don't use their turn signals, merge properly on the freeway, and accelerate properly. I have driven through many states and I can honestly say that I've never encountered such terrible driving in any other state.

I first want to give a nasty shout out to all those big rig truckers who think that it is ok to begin passing the person in front of them right when I reach the tail end of their truck. You could have started this process when I was a quarter of a mile behind you! I have almost been killed three times in the last month because of these irresponsible truckers! Just because you're driving a big rig doesn't mean you own all the lanes of the interstate.

Next is all of you who for reasons unknown that don't accelerate properly when getting on the freeway. You do know that those on ramps are made for you to be at the same speed as everyone else when you get to the freeway. If you properly look for openings as you accelerate you will surely find an opening. Getting to the first lane of the interstate at 50MPH is unacceptable when you should already be at speed.

This is a great segment into merging into another lane of traffic. If you are trying to merge into another lane of traffic don't squeeze in between two other cars! It is not safe and a mere inch of room is not going to give anyone time to react if something were to go wrong! You're bound to injure someone and you're the reason insurance rates go up every year!

The state law is KEEP RIGHT EXCEPT TO PASS not only when you feel like it! You don't own the lane, it's not a direct road to your house and just because you drive a big lifted 4x4 doesn't mean you get left lane privileges.

If you're turning or changing lanes... use the freaking turn signal!!! I love surprises just as much as the next guy but not one that comes from the airbag in my car. Contrary to what most would believe, your signal doesn't need fluid so it can't run out of juice and they make a sweet indicator for when your bulb blows. Ever notice that it's blinking faster than normal? *HINT* that's not from the crack you had this morning!

If you are one of these drivers please go to your local DMV and tell them you're too dumb to have a license to drive and you'd like to forfeit it.

Also PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE always check twice for motorcycles! There are people I love that ride and they are at your mercy!

Have a horrible driving experience you want to share... Please leave it in the comments below!

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Earth Day

Today is Earth Day!

There are so many reasons to love where life decided to flourish. This is the only known planet in the Universe known to have life... at this time. Our planet has everything we need in limitation to allow us to live our everyday lives. The trees use only the power of light to turn one of our biggest killers (CO2) into our life sustaining breath. 

Go out this Earth Day and plant a tree, garden, flowers you know... whatever tickles your pickle! Let's keep the Earth beautiful and allow it to keep its life sustaining properties. I'm going to plant black beans... in the rain... Haha! I think it would be a great idea to start community gardens all over the state and as long as you contribute to its growth you may benefit from it. That's one of my topics for when I become governor. Lol  

Share in the comments if you did something today to help keep our planet clean and healthy! Or commit to something that will benefit us all!

Do other planets celebrate Earth Day????

This Earth Day reminds me of a recent article that has been published about a far away (500 Light-years) planet that appears to be very Earth-esk. Through large telescopes that emit different X-rays and gamma rays scientists are able to see that the planet has abundant water and rocky terrain. They are also able to see that the planet is in the habitable area around its star. These are the same features that support life on our planet, so who’s to say that there may not be life on that planet? It is also known that the star that provides light and warmth to that planet is on its end stages of life; meaning it emits higher levels of radiation to its planets, that's kind of a bummer.

You can read more about this great discovery HERE at my favorite science page.

Thinking years in the future would you ever volunteer to be the first to explore possible life sustaining planets or take the task of mining distant planets for resources? Share your comments and feedback in the comments below.

It's Gotta Start Somewhere!

This is my very first time writing a Blog! I cannot tell you all how nervous and excited I am at the same time! My goal for these posts are to provide you with daily entertainment, cool stories, and interesting facts that will only take about 15 minutes or so to digest. It seems the older you get the faster the days seem to mesh together. With so much going on in the world it will be hard for me to limit my posts, but I hope that I will leave you wanting more information and I will surely cite all of my information so you can continue exploring. Science and the universe both are abundant in information to talk about there is always something new to discuss. I will have plenty to talk about on that topic. I have a sweet little English Bulldog name Maggie; she does some of the most random things and I will certainly need to share that information with you to help brighten your day. I have three nieces and two nephews whom are a blessing to my life and they too will have some shared time in my future posts. I work for a large financial institution and have taken some interest in financing and investing and will be sure to share my learnings with you. Sometimes I find myself in the strangest situations and it always makes for great conversation, I will share them all with you to so that you may learn me front and back. This is a no holds barred blog and I will say/do/acknowledge things you may or may not enjoy. I may offend you, I may enlighten you, I may piss you off just remember, this is my blog and there is a little red x in the top right corner of the screen for your fast escape. With that being said I just want you all to follow my one policy... E.L.E. Everybody Love Everybody. (I took that from my twin lol) I certainly hope that you all will be entertained. I will leave comments open on most post to keep topics of discussion going. I love research and urge you all to message me with questions or topics you may want me to discuss. I look forward to making your days ahead!